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Pharma Trend: Survey of innovation and sustainability in the pharmaceutical industry

Pharma Trend

Pharma Trend, the survey to measure innovativeness and sustainability in the pharmaceuticals sector, has been conducted on behalf of the journal Pharma Barometer annually since 2000. The data for the representative benchmark study are collected online. On the basis of these data the winners of the awards ‘The Golden Tablet®’ and ‘Most Innovative Product®’ are determined. In addition, the data from the benchmark study form the basis for creating the Pharma Trend Ranking “Best Pharma Companies”.

Are you interested in participating in the 23nd Pharma Trend 2022?  Contact us without obligation!

Pharma Award

The special thing about the award is the jury: the benefits of the medication are evaluated exclusively by doctors, pharmacist and patients, based on their experience of applying the treatments. The reasons that were decisive for the awarding of the winners (top 1-3) are compiled with the respective placements in report volumes, which can be obtained in the formats “Standard” and “Basic”. In the basic version, the report volume contains the information on the winners of the awards “The Golden Tablet” and “The Most Innovative Product” with reasons for the award as well as the assessment of the image and the sales force, including some data compared to the previous year. The standard report volume also contains the assessments of four other pharmaceutical companies with regard to 11 aspects: Marketing and sales quality, product and service quality, innovative strength, profitability, transparency, responsibility, ethical action, management quality and business success.

Various communication packages are available for communicating the awards. For the winner in first place, the advertising label “The most innovative product” with details of the year, the respective specialist group and the addition “Top 1” is available. Winners on ranks 2 and 3 can use an advertising label with the addition “Top 3”. The rights of use of the advertising labels can be acquired for an unlimited time and place.

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Pharma Ranking

The ranking is based on the holistic medical professionals’ evaluation of the pharmaceutical- and medical technology-companies concerning the following 11 aspects: quality of marketing and sales, quality of products and services, innovativeness, efficiency, transparency, accountability, ethical behavior, management quality and commercial success. At the same time, the respondents rate the companies according to reputation based on the criteria of overall impact, competence, reliability, credibility and recommendation. The ranking is calculated according to the importance of the 11 individual aspects for reputation using a statistical regression. It reliably reflects the detailed company assessment by doctors and pharmacists without being subject to arbitrary bias.

The complete ranking with all the companies assessed in the benchmark is compiled in report volumes, which can be obtained in the formats “Standard” and “Basic”. The Ranking Basis report volume contains the ranking of all companies included in the benchmark study. The Ranking Standard report volume also contains the data from the company’s benchmark for four other pharmaceutical companies with regard to the aforementioned 11 aspects.

For the companies placed in ranks 1 to 10, an advertising label is available according to the respective placement with details of the year and the additions “Top1”, “Top 5” and “Top 10”. The rights of use of the advertising labels can be acquired for an unlimited time and place.

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